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Welcome to all our new students and families and welcome back to all our returning students and their families. We will have a busy time in the Visual Arts Program this school year. This is what you can look forward to doing and learning.


Kindergarten will hone fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Students will draw pictures  using pencils, crayons, colored pencils, markers and paints to enhance their art work. The classes will look at pictures and books that show how to tell stories using illustrations. Students will learn words like horizontal, vertical, diagonal, thick, thin, curved, wiggly, zigzag and round to describe lines and marks in their and other artist’s work. 


In addition the children will be introduced to primary and secondary colors and how they are related to each other on the color wheel. They will make collages learning that a collage is another way to create pictures. All will practice their observation skills and try to draw what they see all around them. The children will learn how to be kind critics and to use words to describe what can be seen all around.

First Grade:

First grade will begin reviewing drawing skills learned in Kindergarten. They will be introduced to five of the Elements of Design, namely line, shape, color, form and texture. They will explore these visual concepts and use them in their art making. They will also use watercolors to paint flowers and simple landscapes. The children will use their hands to mold modeling clay and twist pipe cleaners into simple sculptures. All will learn and use adjectives to describe what they observe. 

Second Grade:

Second grade will begin to explore how to create visual texture with lines. They learn how to use markers as a drawing medium. They will learn how to use complex patterns to make simple jewelry using beads and planning carefully to create a planned effect. Pupils will practice planning what they wish to create and thinking about what materials and procedures they will need to follow. They will also develop and practice painting skills using watercolors.

Third Grade:

Third grade will start by practicing and observing how line, shape, color, form, texture and space are portrayed in art. They will be introduced to how perspective is used to create the illusion of depth in two dimensional art. They will be introduced to how size, position, overlapping and color intensity is used to create the illusion of distance. They will be encouraged to apply these techniques to their own art work. They will use pencil, marker, colored pencils, collage and paint to create different pictures. They will be introduced to weaving.

Fourth Grade:

Fourth graders will be practicing to improve their drawing skills and confidence in using different media to express their own imaginations. They will be exploring using colored pencils with skill. They will be introduced to watercolor pencils as a new medium. They will work with watercolors and tempera paints. There will be an emphasis on the recognition and use of the six elements of visual art, line, shape, texture, space, value and color. The students will look at different examples of art work and learn to use appropriate vocabulary to describe what they observe. Fourth graders will have the opportunity to weave a basket and practice making thoughtful choices when selecting materials for creating their art projects. There will be opportunities for students to grow in workmanship and presentation skills.

Fifth Grade:

Fifth grade students will be working on honing their drawing skills. They will be practicing different drawing techniques using various drawing mediums. Students will explore the different “tricks of the trade” that artists use to achieve various effects in visual projects. They will work in graphite pencil, colored pencil, watercolor pencil, oil pastels, chalk pastels and markers. This will encourage growth in their confidence using different drawing mediums to achieve the visual effects that let artists communicate effectively their vision to their viewers. The fifth graders will  also be exploring watercolor and tempera paints as mediums they can use for creating landscapes.

Sixth Grade:

Sixth graders will be introduced to the realistic drawing of the human head by learning the Canon of Proportion artists use to represent the human body. They will use watercolor pencils to create greeting cards and have the opportunity to complete a woven basket. Students will paint using both watercolor paints and tempera paints. And they will learn how to create visual texture in drawings. They will also practice using chalk pastels to create colored pictures and illustrations and use one point perspective to create the illusion of depth and distance in their two dimensional artwork.

Seventh Grade:

Seventh graders will apply the canon of proportion to develop confidence in drawing the human head and figure. They will learn how artists use color to express mood and use this knowledge to explore ways they can express mood in their artwork. They will work creating 3D additive sculptures and containers. The students will complete an extensive artists research project to develop an appreciation of art history and to explore their own personal aesthetic. They will practice their presentation skills as they share their research with their peers.

Eight Grade:

The eighth graders will have the opportunity to use their developing art skills to produce artwork that expresses their personal aesthetic. They will start with Multimedia abstract art. Then work in watercolors and tempera paints. They will paint self portraits and produce their own Patron Saint Icons. Students will work in plaster to produce their own Avatars. They will continue to develop their skill at communicating effectively with various visual art mediums.

Mrs. Faye Benjamin

Updated: September 18, 2022

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About St. Helen School

Opening in 1954, St. Helen School strives to build character by living virtuously.  First in the State of Ohio to be certified as a Virtue Based Restorative Discipline School, students are educated in the Catholic Faith. This provides a nurturing environment to allow each student to grow spiritually, academically and emotionally. Our focus on faith formation and academic excellence prepares students to be lifelong learners. St. Helen, located in Riverside, Ohio, is a community that celebrates diversity and welcomes families from many areas including:  BeavercreekDaytonFairbornHuber HeightsRiverside, and military families from Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

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